The babysitter that nobody saw was… a boy

The whole prosecution’s motive for the crime was based on a babysitter being a girl, David Westerfield wanted to get a babysitter he had never seen and not finding any, he kidnapped Danielle BUT according to Brenda Van Dam the babysitter was a boy…

In fact absolutely no one has ever seen this alledged babysitter ….

Four days before Danielle Van Dam diseappeared, Brenda Van Dam was at Westerfield’s house with Danielle.

Westerfield told Brenda Van Dam that he was interested in Barbara Easton and wanted to meet her.

Brenda Van Dam told Westerfield that Barbara Easton would be at Dad’s cafe the next Friday and that SHE, Brenda, was not sure that she could join Barbara because Damon was supposedly going out of town with Derek, his son, so she would have to find a babysitter to watch Danielle and Dylan.

But Brenda’s presence has absolutely nothing to do with Westerfield’s desire to meet Barbara Easton! Westerfield didn’t specifically want to meet Barbara at the bar, he wanted to meet Barbara anytime, anywhere, period. I bet the last thing wanted was Brenda Van Dam being around if the meeting occured.

Why would he care if Brenda was unavailable? Why would he care if Brenda hired a babysitter?

The prosecution’s explanation of Danielle’s abduction is that Westerfield wanted to get the babysitter. Not finding any, he kidnapped Danielle.

On December 3rd 2002, during the Larry King Show, Brenda Van Dam said that the alledged babysitter was a boy.

Why would Brenda Van Dam now say that it was a boy, while the whole prosecution’s motive for the crime was based on a babysitter being a girl?

Who else did she tell about the gender of the babysitter before February 1st?

Absolutely nothing showed that Westerfield knew for a fact that the babysitter was a girl.

The prosecution will hold a special Westerfield trial dinner party on December 11th 2002, everybody is welcome to join for $40 per person ($45 at the door).

Maybe during this pay-per-trial event, prosecutors will provide an explanation as to why we never heard, during the trial, that the babysitter WAS A BOY. As Brenda told this to Larry King on December 2002, she must have told Dusek and police on February 2002 but this “detail” was never mentionned in court.

Maybe prosecutors will reveal when was this babysitter, who never testified, contacted by Brenda Van Dam and asked to watch her kids on February 1st 2002, then recontacted to cancel?

Also maybe during this special trial party where people would be allowed to ask questions, we hope someone would ask if police investigation made sure there was no relation at all between the death of Danielle Van Dam and the international child porn ring* involving children ranging from 2 to 14 years, in which two men from San Diego were arrested.

According to court records, after arresting the first man, Paul Whitmore, on January 27th 2002, San Diego police found cameras, computers, photos and videotapes at his home, as well as leather restraints, rope and handcuffs.
According to the San Diego Union Tribune dated February 21st 2002, the other, Brooke Rowland, a salesman from Poway, was arrested February 15th (after Danielle’s abduction).

Brooke Rowland was accused of molesting five little girls and using the Internet to trade photos of these acts with people around the world. Charged with child molestation and child pornography, he is being held in lieu of $2 million bail.

“They’re exchanging kids,” said Paul Pfingst, future ex-district attorney, talking of these two men…

It would be reassuring to know from the prosecutor that this pedophile from Poway was checked and, without any doubts, eliminated from the Van Dam’s case. Let’s hope the Westerfield trial dinner party will bring some answers….

The indictment alleges that members of the ring, referring to themselves as “The Club,” traded messages across the Internet requesting photographs of specific sexual poses of children.
One man asked for an audiotape so he could hear a child crying while being spanked, the indictment said, and another posed naked with an underage girl.
In one instance, a man swapped his own children with another pedophile to be abused.

Brenda Van Dam on Larry King : it was my day to win the Lottery...
3 - the 911 call