December 7th 2002: Could accused pedophiles, Paul Whitmore and Brooke Rowland, be related with the Danielle Van Dam’s case?
From NBC San Diego – August 9th 2002:
“A group of parents sexually molested their own children and sent pornographic pictures of them worldwide over the Internet, U.S. Customs officials said Friday, announcing 20 arrests around the world, including two in San Diego.
Forty-five children, including 37 in the United States who ranged from age 2 to about 14, were victims and have been removed from the care of those indicted, Customs officials said. Eighty percent of them were molested by one of their own parents, they said. Most of them are in the custody of another parent or relative, or foster care. Ten U.S. citizens have been charged, including Paul Whitmore and Brooke Rowland from San Diego County. Whitmore and Brooke pleaded not guilty to charges in February. Another person has pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 20 years in prison. The 10th American committed suicide after his arrest. “
In the case of the international child porn ring described above, Paul Whitmore, a child and family counselor from San Diego, was arrested on January 27th 2002. Paul Whitmore appeared, like Damon Van Dam, to be a computer games addict ; spending time playing and talking video games online. Click here to read some randomly choosen examples of his prose:
The last place where the Van Dams lived in Florida was Gainesville where Damon Van Dam was a student at the University and where they got married. In 1999, Paul Whitmore, wanting to move to Gainesville, Florida, was looking for someone with a good knowledge of Gainesville able to provide information.
Brooke Rowland, a salesman from Poway and good friend to Paul Whitmore, was arrested on February 15th 2002. Brooke Rowland happened to live at walking distance from Dad’s cafe, the bar where the Van Dams use to go and where Brenda Van Dam was part of the night of Danielle’s diseappearance.
Here is my question: Knowing Paul Whitmore and Brooke Rowland from San Diego county were both arrested in the case of an international child porn ring, (Brooke Rowland being arrested AFTER Danielle’s diseappearance), knowing Paul Whitmore is a video games addict (like Damon Van Dam), knowing Paul Whitmore wanted to move to Gainesville Florida (where the Van Dams come from), knowing Brooke Rowland lived close to Dad’s cafe (the bar where Brenda Van Dam was on January 25th and February 1st 2002), is it impossible these 2 men have no relation at all with the circumstances surrounding the death of Danielle Van Dam?