David Westerfield became the prime suspect solely based on Brenda van Dam’s declaration
2 – if Westerfield didn’t watch porn on his computer, who did?
On 05/13/02 the office of Marcus Lawson was contacted by the law firm of Feldman regarding assistance in reviewing certain ...

Danielle Van Dam’s blood, swab and David Westerfield’s jacket
Questioning the evidence: blood on the jacket (updated 09/30/02): At trial we won’t see blood on David Westerfield's jacket but ...
David Westerfield became the prime suspect solely based on Brenda van Dam’s declaration
David Westerfield became the prime suspect solely based on Brenda van Dam's declaration. On February 5th 2002 at 2:00 am, ...
1 – Computer and porn evidence found on David Westerfield’s
Computer and porn Marcus Lawson report is clear : there was NO child pornography on Westerfield’s computer and no evidence ...
My theory about Danielle Van Dam’s death, DNA, evidence
My theory about Danielle van Dam's death, DNA, evidence - David Westerfield becomes suspect based solely on Brenda Van Dam's ...